Not very many people know what really goes on behind the scenes here at PIP Designs. Its chaotic, rewarding, and sometimes stressful. A typical days goes something like this:
7am- wake up, get K ready, let the dogs out, get breakfast for all the children
8am- K settles in her routine, the dogs are taken care of and are back sleeping. I start to tackle my email.
9am- Emails are finished. I start my to do list of design work based on who has sent in their proper payment and order forms etc.
10am-12pm- Work on designs while K plays. Answer emails.
12pm- Let the dogs out again. Get K some lunch. Get me some lunch. Bathroom break.
1pm-3pm- Work on designs while K plays. Answer emails.
4pm- Start dinner. Take a break for a few hours to spend with the family.
8pm- Return back to my computer to finish up any loose ends (designs or emails) before the next day begins.
10pm- Bedtime. Repeat the schedule the very next day.
Seeing how long I work, and how dedicated I am, I truly should be charging my clients more. I believe in giving all my clients the best work that I can generate, even if that means I am working long hard hours at a rate of less than minimum wage. I take for granted sometimes that people appreciate and reciprocate the respect of my work and my business. I believe I am fair with my prices, my creativity, and my ability to work with people who are on a strict budget. I just wish people would stop taking advantage of this good hearted gal. It gets old, and quite frankly, ruins for the rest of the group. This is a business built on ethics and hard work, straight from my heart.