Yes, you read that right, a giveaway. This applies to blogger blogs only.
I am giving away a blog design package 3 worth $55 to one lucky winner.
It includes:
Custom background
Custom header (no clipart or cartoony images are included)
Custom font for sidebar titles, post date, and post titles
Choice of template
Button with grab code
sidebar title backgrounds
drop down navigation bar with 8-10 main tabs unlimited sub-main tabs
post divider image
post title image
social networking buttons on the sidebar max. of 5
It does not include those cartoony images or clipart, if you want that in your design that is your responsibility. It does include a scrap kit if you choose to use one for your design.
How to enter:
1. Leave me a comment telling me why you want the new design, along with your blog URL. I will also need an email address or a way to contact you via your blog.
2. For an extra entry, go like my facebook fan page, and come back here to leave me a comment saying you are a new fan.
3. For an extra entry, become a gfc follower of this blog.
The contest will close 4/25/11 @ midnight EST. I will choose the winner using Winner must respond within 48 hrs of being notified or the next winner will be chosen. This applies to blogger blogs only.
I ask that the winner please post a small blurb about the design process, their experience,etc. when the design is all done. If you would please email me when you’ve posted it that would great.